Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson on UK links with Turkey

  • 9 years ago
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Boris Johnson Blog

On 17th July, 2016, Boris Johnson, Grandson of the Turkish Journalist Ali Kemal,  wrote an article in the UK national paper, the Daily Telegraph where he talked about the impact of brexit on the UK’s relationships with the world.

He picked out Turkey and was clear that growth in trade and tourism between the two countries is a priority.

As I talked by teleconference first to the Turkish foreign minister and then to our staff in Istanbul and Ankara, I was filled with amazement at the reach and reputation of this country around the world.

It is an incredible fact that, as I write, there are 50,000 UK nationals on holiday in Turkey – part of an annual summer migration of 1.3 million Brits to Turkey alone. Even 20 years ago, those numbers would have seemed fanciful.

Mutually beneficial trade and tourism between our two countries are now at an all-time high and are continuing to grow; and it is clearly the ambition of Prime Minister Theresa May’s new Government that this should continue.


Full Daily Telegraph Article by Boris Johnson

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